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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Issues: National Day of Action
The Unions’ National Day of Action protesting against the Howard Government’s unfair work choices legislation is on Thursday November 30 at Manuka Oval. Read more ...

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Posted by Kate Lundy Tuesday, November 28, 2006 | Permalink | 2 Your Say

  • At 11:38 am Blogger van Riet wrote:

    Hi Kate

    Glad you've got a blog, and it's a real one unlike Johnnie's one. I took exception to Michael Duffy on Counterpoint on ABC Radio National recently who accused the ABC of bias in its screening of "Bastard Boys" about the waterfront dispute. These are the comments I left in Counterpoint's guestbook.

    "Michael Duffy, your assertion that the ABC's drama, Bastard Boys is biased is the sort of comment I've come to expect from you. A portrayal which although a dramatic depiction of the events on the waterfront was very balanced and enabled us to see the cultural change within unions. That the Government looked less than squeaky clean on this issue should be cause for concern for you? The handling of this issue by the Government needs to be remembered by young voters who have lived for 10 years under this dictatorial regime called the Howard Government. Their changes to the industrial relations system have allowed less than scrupulous employers to bully their employees and if they're not compliant, to sack them. If you have a problem with the ABC depiction of this aspect of industrial relations changes then you should go and get a "real job". Your manner, presumptious method of interviewing and smug attitude are enormously irritating. The theme to your programme, a 1940s big band track would seem to indicate you're stuck in the "good old days" of conservative, ill informed attitudes of the past. Accusations of ABC bias mirror the Liberal party's line that has been used as a justification for massive cuts to our public broadcaster. The Liberals don't like people digging beneath their political spin, so they conveniently label those that question their authority as "typical ABC bias". Kerry O'Brien, Tony Jones, and Fran Kelly are laudable. No matter what side of the political fence is being interviewed, they bring probing and honest questions to the political debate. You on the other hand are, to coin Paul Keating's phrase, a "pre Copernican Obscurantist". You and Gerard Henderson both!

  • At 9:14 pm Blogger The Analyst wrote:

    Yes - long live ABC curretn affairs!
