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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Issues: ABC Culture Wars
Date:   17/8/06
Title:   Issues
Subject:   ABC Culture Wars
Format:   Audio Statement + Transcript
Audio Clip:   MP3, 128KBPS, 787KB, 50secs
Text:   Transcript
Information:   Links
Email:   Kate Lundy
Posted by Kate Lundy Thursday, August 17, 2006 | Permalink | 2 Your Say

  • At 1:35 am Anonymous Anonymous wrote:

    "The Howard Government is continuing its culture and history wars through even more blatant interference in the ABC."

    Really? I guess you want to see more leftist bias on the ABC funded by Australian people. How exactly would you stop this bias?

    "A yet to be completed ABC drama series chronicling the 1998 waterfront dispute has been attacked by a Liberal Senator as being anti-Howard government despite assurances by the distinguished writer Sue Smith that she has gone to great pains to ensure balance."

    Yea how? What is the balance you're referring to? Unless the Union is shown to be the thugs they were it is biased and we're paying for leftwing propaganda.

    "This follows years of stacking the ABC Board with Howard supporters, the sacking of the staff representative on the board and more recently, revelations that the ABC Board backed away and then tried to cover-up their decision not to publish 'Jonestown' a controversial book about Howard mate Alan Jones."

    The book was a dishonest attempt to obtain funding from a public entity to support a biased book. Get your facts straight instead of continuing the lie. ABC Publishing was always meant to have a very narrow focus such as publishing books about general information. The board stopped the publication because there was a chance the ABC could have been sued for supporting a book that was obviously intended as a political attack against a PM supporter. The board was advised by a legal firm that there was a danger the book was slanderous. So stop your deceit. We're not paying your salary to lie to us.

    "But that's not all, shamefully, criticism of ABC Board member Keith Windschuttle by film director Bob Weis was censored on ABC radio's Sunday Arts program"

    How so? Why don't you explain this censure in more detail instead of leveling a pathetic accusation? More likely Weis was about to tell lies about Keith and even the leftist announcer couldn’t cope with it.

    "The culture wars continue."
    They sure do, especially when the ABC is captured territory of the left. Stop your dishonesty and tell us the truth

    Oh, as though Labor never stacked the board with lefty buddies. You guys were masters at stacking that board.

  • At 3:22 pm Blogger Pete Heininger wrote:

    Hhhhhmmmmmmm . . . I would have thought this ratbag would have at least had the gumption to stick his/her name at the end of this poisonous, right-wing rant!

    I, for one, am past being despondent when I see this kind of crass trash . . . I'm now as mad as hell and want to see an end to the lousy Howard Years - and all the Miserable Man's hangers-on.

    Pete Heininger